Members of the Corporate Leadership Center community came together on June 13, 2023, for an evening networking reception and program featuring Kenji Yoshino, faculty director of the Meltzer Center for Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging at NYU School of Law and co-author of Say the Right Thing: How to Talk About Identity, Diversity, and Justice.
Following opening remarks by CEO Perspectives Executive Director Michelle Warner, Kenji shared practical insights every leader needs to manage diverse teams, foster inclusion within their organizations, and overcome the fear of saying the wrong thing. Corporate Leadership Center CEO Deb DeHaas moderated a Q&A session with Kenji and the more than 45 attendees, including Fellows from the CEO Perspectives and Leading Women Executives programs, as well as Human Resources and Talent Management leaders from participating companies.
Guests continued to network over dessert and were provided with a copy of Kenji Yoshino’s book.