Penny Pritzker, former U.S. Secretary of Commerce, 2013-2017, Founder & Chairman, PSP Capital Partners and Pritzker Realty Group and Founder of The Pritzker Traubert Foundation, served as the keynote speaker at the 2017 Fall Symposium. Penny discussed her views on ‘business as a force for good’ as part of a fireside chat, moderated by Leading Women Executives Co-Founder Sheila Penrose.
The afternoon portion of the Symposium began with a panel discussion on ‘leading with purpose’, led by Dorri McWhorter, CEO, YWCA Metropolitan Chicago. Panelists included: Amy Best, Senior Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer, Exelon Corporation; Michael O’Grady, President, Northern Trust Corporation; and Amy Tulloch, Vice President, Corporate Human Resources, ITW. Following the panel discussion, attendees participated in a workshop to build their own personal action plan for ‘leading with purpose’.
The Symposium, held at Northern Trust in downtown Chicago, enabled attendees to network with Sponsors, Advocates and Leading Women Executives Fellows from the Leading Women Executives community.